Friday, October 24, 2014

date night.

We try our best to have a date night every week. Sometimes it's all planned out like a concert in Hollywood or Santa Barbara. Sometimes it's simple like dinner at a delicious Thai restaurant. Sometimes it's casual like taking Rex to the dog park. Sometimes it's just picking something on Netflix that we both want to watch and not being on our phones or computers while we watch. Other times it just doesn't happen and I count trips to the grocery store or an outing to get soda as our date night. 

This week date night was actually planned. We planned to go to the movies and see Gone Girl. I read the book and really liked it and I've heard only good things about the movie so we made it a date night.

We are very simple people and Alex working at home and me only working part time, there are some days that we don't put on real clothes. It's sweats and tshirts or basketball shorts and tank tops. Easy, comfortable, and no hassle. So date night is a time for us to actually put on real clothes and looks like real human beings.

It's always a lot of fun to be able to plan a date night because it gives me something to look forward to during the week. But movies can be so expensive! At $12.50 a ticket, you're already paying $25 just to get in. Then another $20 or so if you want a soda and popcorn. And don't even think about candy. I'm usually a strict no concession stand kinda gal. I just can't get over the fact that I could spend half as much money and get more treats somewhere else. Which is usually what I do and then sneak them into the theater in my gigantic bag.

(Side note: when we lived in Idaho and had zero money to our names, we went to the cheap movie theatre for a special night out and I literally snuck in two 44oz sodas, a bag of candy, and a steaming Tupperware full of leftover heated up chow mein. I am professional at sneaking treats into movies. It embarrasses Alex to no end, but he still partakes.)

But for date night I relented and we got some treats at the theatre. Just sodas and a small popcorn. Like I said, don't even think about get candy. I did sneak in a bag of chocolates and caramel apples pops because I couldn't resist. 

All in all it was a successful date night. Good movie. Good company. Good treats. Gone Girl was definitely a good pick. 

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