Friday, January 2, 2015

apartment decorating.

I am currently unemployed.

It feels so weird to say that but I tend to say it often.

The good thing about this though, is that I have a lot of free time to spend planning for our move (which is now only 22 days away) and plan for our apartment.

When we were in Idaho, we both knew that we weren't going to be there for long (same when we moved to Simi Valley, though we have been here a lot longer than we anticipated), so we didn't really take too much time to decorate or buy nice furniture or really settle everything into a place. But we have decided that Portland is going to be a settling place for us for the foreseeable future. Maybe not this exact apartment for the whole time but we don't plan on moving too much outside the Portland area.

That idea really excites me because I love to decorate and I want us to make a real home. So off to Pinterest I went. Obviously budget is an issue. We can't be blowing all of the money we were finally able to save on super expense items. So DIY and thrift stores is our best option.

One thing we will not have an issue with is art for our walls. Alex is so talented and I am very lucky to be able to display a lot of his art on our walls. The only problem is, we have A LOT of it. Paintings, drawings, pictures, nicknacks, you name it. So I have adopted the idea for a gallery wall. The floor plan of our apartment shows so really good wall space that won't be inhabited by furniture (because we don't have much) so we can do a really cool gallery wall. In Idaho, one thing everyone commented on when they came into our apartment was the art on the walls; how unconventional it was and how refreshingly different our apartment looked (granted, every married couple in Rexburg has the same wedding pictures, the same "families are forever" carved wood pieces, the same monogram letters, and the same chevron curtains. We knew we would never fit into that mold so we went way outside the box with our maps, orc paintings, and portraits). I want this same thing to happen in Portland, though I think we will fit in a lot better, mainly because there doesn't seem to be a mold in Portland.

Here are some inspiration pictures I have been drooling over:


I like when the wall is full. Like really full. And when different textures are incorporated. I also like the lack of cohesion. We have plenty of things to hang on these walls, now it's just a matter of getting there and getting hanging.

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