Sunday, November 9, 2014


I don't know why but I am always so much more productive when my husband is away. Not just away at work or away hanging out with friends because those days I am lazy as ever and usually eat in bed watching Netflix. 

But he went out of town this weekend to visit family and friends and I was so productive! I worked three 8 hour days just to start and then when I got home I was busy busy the whole time. 

On Friday night I cooked a nice dinner since I haven't been able to cook in a long time and then went to work on one of my presents for Alex for Christmas. Obviously it's a surprise and it's already killing him that he doesn't know what it is. Then on Saturday I worked a full day and after got to go out to dinner with Alex's mom at Natural Cafe, which is delicious. We just got to talk and hang out and relax for a little while. Unwind from the week. After dinner I went back to work on Alex's present and was able to finish the whole thing!! I'm very happy it's all done. Now on to other homemade gifts. 

Then Sunday I didn't work until 2:30 so I spent the morning cleaning out our closet. When we leave the house and the dogs are alone for an extended period we usually throw anything that they can chew and destroy into the closet and close the door. Well a few weeks of doing this and you can't see the floor, so I cleaned it out and organized it up and hopefully it stays nice for a while. 

After work today (another full shift thankfully) I plan to keep going on my crocheting project. I picked two green yarns and I'm thinking if it turns out decent enough I want to give it to Alex's mom for Christmas because green is her favorite. 

I like productive weekends. Especially when Alex is away because it makes it go by much faster. That is always a good thing!

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