Wednesday, October 15, 2014

words wednesday.

I found this quote and picture the other day and I realized how true it has become in my own life. There are so few people that I can say are my friends because I stopped trying to be everyone's friend. I went through a period in my life where I tried to be friends with a bunch of people at work and all of their friends outside of work too. It became exhausting! Not only did I not even like half of them, but by trying to be their friend it ensured that I had to be around them a lot; which was a lot more than I even wanted to. This was also a time in my life where I made a lot of stupid choices because of these friends, but that is besides that point.

This quote really speaks true for me because I have found the people in my life that matter and that make a difference, and these people are the ones that I notice when I have not talked to them in a while. I do have the friends that I speak to less than ever, but when we do talk, it is as if no time has passed and catching up is more fun than it is tedious. Those are the real ones.

So cheers to having real friendships and dropping all the duds that don't matter!

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